Monday, 7 April 2014

Final website landing page.

Okay I found an image to stick in the body as an example of content that may be placed on a website dedicated to steampunk.
Here is the source I got the image from. 

Now here is a final version of my website landing page dedicated to the art movement steampunk.

This is just a static website landing page for a interactive digital media assignment. It won't be used for any personal website  and all the content was gathered from free resource sites, which I've posted the links up to in a previous post. Also the footer would be placed beneath the body or content box.

Written text resources

Okay finding Steampunk written resources proved difficult as when I checked out the Wagga town library, all the books on steampunk where unavailable. To compensate for this, I found a book on futurism and a couple of surrealism.
1.     “Futurism”, Caroline Tisdall and Angelo Bozzolla. The world library, Thames and Hudson, 1915.
2.     “Surrealism”, Cathrin Klingsohr-Leroy, 2004
3.     “The real world of the surrealists”, Malcom Haslam, 1978.

Steampunk is known as a Victorian futurism  and does share similar aspects to surrealism. 
I also mentioned these art movements in the essay so these texts books have proved 
useful. The steampunk information came from the websites mentioned in previous blog posts.